Sunday 8 March 2015

Winter lights

Moscow is always full of light in winter. They appear as early as anything in the UK, certainly they are put up during the first week of December and stay way into the New Year, usually until the start of Lent, sometime in February. They are winter lights designed to brighten the long, dark evening and have no religious significance at all. New Year's Eve is important, but it is purely secular.

Moscow is always twinkly, but this winter more so. Whether it was coincidence or whether it was a 'we're fine and will show everyone we're fine' I don't know but the decorations were particularly pretty this year. Starting at Ploshad Rovolutsi and continuing up Tverskaya to Tverskoy Bulvar Moscow put on a good show, so here are the photos.

 A giant hollow decoration which you could go inside - I didn't. Too many people.
 Entrance to Tverkoy Bulvar

 Tinsel animals without lights

Tinsel animals with lights

The ice sculptures in Pushinskaya Ploschad were on an underwater theme.  Sadly we had a very warm spell just  before I came home and they were beginning to melt. How much was left for New Year I don't know.
The Pushkin Cafe is always magnificently adorned with lights.
 Likewise Gum is also lit up
This year the usual decorated trees sponsored by the different shops took second place to this exhibition of stage costumes by a famous designer (sorry don't know which one). They were magnificent. I'm not sure when they were made, but I have a feeling they were made during the Soviet Times.

The central water fountain became a fountain of light.
Most of the lights have gone but the lights on the trees along Tverskoy Bulvar are still there, though the nights are drawing out now.

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